Selwyn Project

Selwyn Project

Red Fox has nine EPMs in a contiguous area 5km south of Selwyn in the Cloncurry District of Northwest Queensland.  The area lies between the Mt Dore (111Mt @ 0.55% Cu, 0.1g/t Au) and Merlin (6.4Mt 1.5% Mo, 0.3% Cu and 26g/t Re) in the north and Osborne deposit (36Mt @ 2% Cu, 1g/t Au) in the south.

Host sequence dominated by Concorde Thust system similar to the Mt Dore Thrust (3Mt copper, 4.8MOz gold endowment). 

Red Fox has defined four high priority targets in the area and numerous other prospects that require assessment.  The four key prospects are:

  • Mt Ulo Cu-Co prospect
  • Jasper Ridge Cu-Co prospect
  • Wallaby IRG Au prospect
  • Mt Ulo-Perisher Zn-Pb-Ag prospect




MT ULO – Cu-Co Prospect

Area 880m by 270m averaging 0.22% Cu in rock chips with significant uranium anomaly, cobalt, iron and manganese associated.

  • EPM 26571 (Mt Carol)

Red Fox’s Mt Ulo Cu-Co prospect is the most significant copper target in the Selwyn Project area.

    The target is defined by a (dark) colour anomaly on the ground which correlates with high iron and managese content of the outcropping rocks.  This zone is anoamlous in copper, cobalt gold and uranium.  The zone is well defined by previous soil sampling for copper, the anomalous copper area correlating with a strong uranium channel radiometric anomaly which is confirmed by high uranium values up to 202ppm U in rock chip samples.  Cobalt is also anomalous in the area although previous soil sampling was not analysed for the element.  Soil surveys peripheral to the anopmaous zone showing rising coablt on the edges of the zone.  Rock samples by Red Fox have also returned cobalt values up to 235ppm Co.

    The zone is 880m long and up to 270m wide.  Rock chips from the zone (collected by various previous explorers and including Red Fox, totalling 117 samples) average 0.22% copper.

    Previous explorers drilled three shallow holes in the zone with a maximum depth of 44m.  UR02 drilled in the central part of the anomaly returned 9m @ 0.2% Cu at the bottom of the hole.  

    Red Fox will complete confirmatory geological mapping to define mineralised structures and additional infill soil and rock chip sampling to define specific drill targets.

    JASPER RIDGE – Cu-Co Prospect

    Previous drilling intersects 7.8m @ 0.97% Cu, 0.39% Pb from 32m to 39.8m (end of hole). Lode horizon identified over at least 7km strike.

    • EPM 28051

    The Jasper Ridge target lies in the same stratigraphic position as the Mt Ulo Copper Cobalt target, hosted by a “lode horizon” of sulphide bearing microcline quartzites and albitic quartzites, carbonaceous schists and calc silicates within the Hampden Slates.  The lode horizon extends north and south of Jasper Ridge but is poorly exposed to the north.  Additional gossans have been defined within the lode horizon 7km south at the KSG11 prospect.

    Rock chip samples by Red Fox have returned up to 0.26% Cu, 680ppm Co and 0.19% Zn.

     Red Fox will trace the lode horizon to the north and south complete soil and rock chip sampling and geological mapping to define hot spots along the horizon which should devlop into drill targets.

     WALLABY – Au Prospect

    Previous drilling intersects 12m @ 1.17g/t Au in IRG style setting. Previous geochemistry limited by regolith.

    • EPM 26571 (Mt Carol)

    The target at Wallaby is an IRG style gold deposit (e.g Kidston 3MOz gold).  Previous exploration in the area has defined anomalous gold in soils over three distinct areas, south, central and north Wallaby.  Each of these has had some drilling with the best results from South Wallaby:

    •  WARC-01 – 24-36m, 12m @ 1.17g/t Au
    • WARC-02 – 0-10m, 10m @ 1.00g/t Au
    • WARC-04 – 114-118m, 4m @ 1.04g/t Au
    • WARC-06 – 52-60m, 8m @ 0.69g/t Au
    • WBRC-01 – 7-10m,  3m @ 0.82g/t Au
    • WBRC-03 – 49-52m, 3m @ 0.95g/t Au

    Drilling was targeting the anomalous gold in soil sampling by BMA.  Red Fox notes that all of the anomalous soil zones are in areas of low relief, separated by  upstanding highly silicified and leached rocks related to the Mesozoic surface. We interpret this to mean that the anomalous gold zones are likely more extensive than indicated and may extend under the Mesozoic surface.

    Red Fox proposes to carry out geological mapping with additional rock chip sampling to try and define the mineralising structures in order to trace them under the Mesozoic surface. 

    PERISHER-MT ULO – Pb-Zn-Ag Prospect

    13km of anomalous black shale stratigraphy showing elevated lead and zinc values, areas of strong iron enrichment, spongy gossans with only shallow drilling by previous explorers.

    • EPM 26571 (Mt Carol)

    The target at Perisher-Mt Ulo lead zinc prospect is a Sedex style depsoit (Century – 118Mt @ 10.2% Zn, 1.5% Pb, 36g/t Ag) associated with black shales, silicified shales, and ferruginous breccias. 

    A 13km strike length of anomalous lead and zinc in the black shale stratigraphy has been identified.  The bulk of the zone is untested, although some shallow drilling has returned 3.05m @ 2.08% Pb and 16g/t Ag.  Wider zones of mineralisation include 30m @ 0.42% Pb and 8.6g/t Ag (Perisher Prospect).

    Previous work at Mt Ulo has focused on the lead anomalies, leaving the main zinc target untested.  This is a walk-up drill target.

    In the southern extension of this prospect at Camel Bore a large gravity anomaly delineated by Red Fox coincides with the prospective horizon in an area of poor outcrop. 

    Red Fox will complete additional infill soil and rock chip sampling and geological mapping to define hot spots along the stratigraphy to develop additional drill targets.
